case study: Rebalancing Tool
Email and XL are used to check and trade Managed Multi Asset portfolios on a daily basis. The task is to help create an overarching application that handles the complete process.
Lead UX designer - worked closely with Principle agile analyst in a tight agile team. Developed an concept for overall application allowing for easy spotting of trade drift and inspection of the models that create the portfolios. The overall concept has been modified for a phased role out.
Defining the system
After the completion of multiple user interviews the complete system was broken down into its component parts, problems and tasks identified and then rebuilt out as a concept.
New system and ownership
Multi Asset portfolio trades based on defined ownership and task completion. Drift can be grouped for quick access to trade in multiple models.
Concept meets the real world - The projects current resource profile dictates that the dashboard development and other elements are not in scope. New flow refined for current requirements, model weights are spotted and trades made dependent on model, strategy and drift.
The build and development is currently ongoing and roll out is phased and prioritised by section. Limited parts of the application are already in use.